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Computer Storage Units Converter

Computer Storage Units Converter Computer Storage Units Converter From: Bytes Kilobytes Megabytes Gigabytes Terabytes Value: To: Bytes Kilobytes Megabytes Gigabytes Terabytes Convert

#58 What is method overloading in Java | Compile Time Polymorphism | Method overloading क्या है?

package com.sudhirtheindian2.java123;

//class A{
// int sum(){
// int a =10, b=20,c;
// c=a+b;
// return c;
// }
// void sum(int x, int y){
// double c = x+y;
// System.out.println(c);
// }
// void sum(int x, double y){
// double c=x+y;
// System.out.println(c);
// }
//public class compileT {
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// A an =new A();
// an.sum(100,10);
// an.sum(100,20.63);
// int sum= an.sum();
// System.out.println(sum);

// What is method overloading & compile time polymorphism in java

// whenever a class contain more than one method
// with same name and different types of parameter
// called method overloading

// syntax

// return type method_name(para1);
// return type method_name(para1, para2);

// }

package com.sudhirtheindian2.java123;

class A{
int sum(){
int a =20,b=50,c;
return c;
void sum(int x, int y){
double c=x+y;

void sum(int x,double y){
double c=x+y;


public class CompileTime {
public static void main(String[] args) {
A obj = new A();
int sum1 = obj.sum();



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