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package com.sudhirtheindian2.java123;
public class Inheritance {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// What is inheritance in java ?
// When one class access the property of another class is called inheritance
// When we construct a new class from existing class in such
// a way that the new class access all the features
// & properties of existing class called inheritance
// 1 In java extends keyword is used to perform inheritance
// 2 We cannot access private member of class through inheritance
// 3 It provides code reusability
// 4 a sub class contains all the features of super class so we
// should create the object of sub class
// 5 method overriding only possible through inheritance
// Types of Inheritance
// 1 Simple or Single Inheritance
// one super class & one sub class
// syntax
// super class --->> sub class
// class A{ // super class
// }
// class B extends A{ // sub class
// }
// 2 Multi Level Inheritance
// In multilevel inheritance we have only one super class &
// multiple sub class called multilevel inheritance
// one super class & multiple sub class
// super----> sub1----> sub2---->
// class Super{
// }
// class sub1 extends Super{
// }
// class sub2 extends sub1{
// }
// 3 Multiple Inheritance
// java does not support multple inheritance
// syntax
// super--> super--> sub
// 4 Hierarchial Inheritance
// one super class and multipel sub class but
// all the sub class connected directly to super class
// super class--->> sub1
// super class--->> sub2
// super class--->> sub3
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