Computer Storage Units Converter Computer Storage Units Converter From: Bytes Kilobytes Megabytes Gigabytes Terabytes Value: To: Bytes Kilobytes Megabytes Gigabytes Terabytes Convert
package com.sudhirtheindian2.java123;
public class string_java {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// How to use String in java
// 1 String is a predefined class in java
// but we can also use as a datatype
// 2 String are the sequence of character and
// its index starts from 0
// syntax
// 1 String str1 = new String("India");
// 2 String str2 = "India"
// String str1 = new String("India");
String str2 = "India";
// if(str1.equals(str2)){
// System.out.println("yes both are equal");
// }
// else {
// System.out.println("no both are not equal");
// }
// difference
// 1 equals
// 2 length of string
// 3 toupprecase
// 4 tolowercase
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