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Welcome to Java HackerRank Problem Solution


Welcome to Java HackerRank Problem Solution 


Welcome to the world of Java! In this challenge, we practice printing to stdout.

The code stubs in your editor declare a Solution class and a main method. Complete the main method by copying the two lines of code below and pasting them inside the body of your main method.

System.out.println("Hello, World.");
System.out.println("Hello, Java.");

Input Format

There is no input for this challenge.

Output Format

You must print two lines of output:

  1. Print Hello, World. on the first line.
  2. Print Hello, Java. on the second line.

Sample Output

Hello, World.
Hello, Java.

Solution :
public class Solution {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World.");
          System.out.println("Hello, Java.");


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