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HackerRank Java Currency Formatter (Hacker Rank Problem Solution)
HackerRankJava Currency Formatter
(Hacker Rank Problem Solution)
Given a double-precision number, , denoting an amount of money, use the NumberFormat class' getCurrencyInstance method to convert into the US, Indian, Chinese, and French currency formats. Then print the formatted values as follows:
where is formatted according to the appropriate Locale's currency.
Note: India does not have a built-in Locale, so you must construct one where the language is en (i.e., English).
Input Format
A single double-precision number denoting .
Output Format
On the first line, print US: u where is formatted for US currency. On the second line, print India: i where is formatted for Indian currency. On the third line, print China: c where is formatted for Chinese currency. On the fourth line, print France: f, where is formatted for French currency.
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