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अप्रैल, 2022 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Computer Storage Units Converter

Computer Storage Units Converter Computer Storage Units Converter From: Bytes Kilobytes Megabytes Gigabytes Terabytes Value: To: Bytes Kilobytes Megabytes Gigabytes Terabytes Convert

HakcerRank Java Strings Introduction Solution

  HakcerRank   Java Strings Introduction Solution  Problem: This exercise is to test your understanding of Java Strings. A sample  String  declaration: String myString = "Hello World!" The elements of a  String  are called  characters . The number of  characters  in a  String  is called the  length , and it can be retrieved with the  String.length()  method. Given two strings of lowercase English letters,   and  , perform the following operations: Sum the lengths of   and  . Determine if   is lexicographically larger than   (i.e.: does   come before   in the dictionary?). Capitalize the first letter in   and   and print them on a single line, separated by a space. Input Format The first line contains a string  . The second line contains another string  . The strings are comprised of only lowercase English letters....

HackerRank Java Currency Formatter (Hacker Rank Problem Solution)

  HackerRank Java Currency Formatter  (Hacker Rank Problem Solution) problem: Given a  double-precision  number,  , denoting an amount of money, use the  NumberFormat  class'  getCurrencyInstance  method to convert   into the US, Indian, Chinese, and French currency formats. Then print the formatted values as follows: US: formattedPayment India: formattedPayment China: formattedPayment France: formattedPayment where   is   formatted according to the appropriate  Locale 's currency. Note:  India does not have a built-in Locale, so you must  construct one  where the language is  en  (i.e., English). Input Format A single double-precision number denoting  . Constraints Output Format On the first line, print  US: u  where   is   formatted for US currency. On the second line, print  India: i  where   is   formatted for Indi...